In USA, there are 10 colleges that are titled as top 10 most expensive colleges in the world. If you want to put your little kid in one of the college below, prepare the money since your kid start to walk.
10. Bates College
Address: Lewiston, Maine
Fees: $: $53,300 yearly
Bates College is a prestigious college in Lewiston, Maine, and the university offers Bachelor Arts degree and Bachelor of Science degree. The college has educated around 1,700 students. To get full education in the college, the price is $53,300. That money covers tuition fees and dormitory cost.
9. Georgetown University
Address: Washington, D.C.
Cost: $53,340 annually

Georgetown University is an old college and it is considered as the oldest Catholic College in US. The university opens 180 programs, 4 undergraduate programs, 3 graduate program, master program, and specialized institutes in various majors. Annual cost to study in Georgetown University is $53,340. The money covers tuition fees, room and board.
8. Trinity College
Address: Hartford, Connecticut
Fees: $53,380

Trinity College has educated many students since 1823. This University follows Yale University as the 2nd oldest university in Connecticut. The education cost in this university reaches $53,380 annually and the cost covers tuition fees, room and also board
7. Harvey Mudd College
Address: Claremont, California
Fees: $53,588 annually
Harvey Mudd College is a private residential liberal arts university in Claremont, California. It opens science, engineering and mathematic class. The yearly cost of education in this college is $53,588 but only 20% of students who pay full fees. The other 80% of the students are helped by Scholarship.
6. University of Chicago
Address: Chicago, Illinois
Fees: $53,604 yearly
The University is one of the oldest private and Research College in IIIinois. The founder was American Baptist education society and it was fully supported by John D, Rockefeller in 1890. The Annual cost of study in this University is $53,604. $41,091 to pay the tuition fees and $12,513 to pay the room and board
5. Vanderbilt University
Address: Nashville, Tennessee
Fees: $53,660 annually
Vanderbilt University is located in Nashville, Tennessee, and it teaches 12,000 students. The college was funded by Cornelius Vanderbilt in 1873 and he donated a million dollar to start the construction. The college opens 4 undergraduate, 6 graduate program, and professional classes. The annualcost of this university is $53,660. The fees cover tuition fees for one year, room and boards. 60% of the students are helped by financial aid from different resources
4. Wesleyan University
Address: Middletown, Connecticut
Fees: $53,976
Wesleyan University was built in 1831 and it got its name from John Wesley who is the father of Methodism. It is a popular University in Middletown and it is priced their students $53,976 annually. The money covers tuition fees, room and board. Financial Aid program is available but only for the very good students
3. Bard College
Address; Annandale-on-Hudson, New York
Fees: $54,275 yearly
Bard College is located at Annandale, Hudson, New York. The construction was started in 1860 and it educates around 1,800 students this moment. TheAnnual cost of this college is $54,275 and it covers tuition fees, room, and board. 65% of the students are financed by sponsors
2. Columbia University
Address: New York
Fees: $54,385
Columbia University was founded in 1754 and it is populated by 7,169 from around the world. The Annual cost of this university is $54,385 per year and the money covers tuition fee for a year, room, and board. If the students want to enjoy the nightlife of New York City, they will need more money for it
1. Sarah Lawrence College
Address; Bronxville, New York
Fees: $57,556
Sarah Lawrence College is our top most expensive college in the world. It is located 15 miles north of Manhattan, New York. The College was founded by William Van Duzer Lawrance and he named the college after his wife’s name. The college is teaching 1,200 students and 35 % of them should pay $ 57,556 per year for the tuition fees, room, and board. The rest 65% of the students are helped by financial aid from other institutions of sponsors
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