Though the human brain also has its own rhythm and there is time - his best time.
Whenever a brilliant time to do a certain activity?
As quoted from Health.MSN, there are eight specific time in which a person can be brilliant in performing his duties, namely:
7-9 hours of the morning: The best time to promote the spirit and passion
"Time is the perfect time to increase ties with a new partner when I wake up," said Ilia Karatsoreos, PhD, neuroscientists from Rockefeller University.
This is because the levels of the hormone oxytocin (the hormone of love) at the highest level after waking. This time is the time to strengthen relationships with people who are most important in life. British researchers said that the levels of oxytocin in males will gradually decline over time.
9 am to 11 noon: The best time for creativity
At the time of the brain have the hormone cortisol (stress hormone) is sufficient, so it can help focus the mind and this is not influenced by age.
Today is an excellent time to learn and work on tasks that require analysis and concentration. Because it is time to develop new ideas, make presentations or brainstorm.
Hours 11 am to 2 pm: The best time to perform a difficult task
German investigators said that when the hormone melatonin (sleep hormone) has declined sharply, so that the body is more ready to work on a project or work load is tough and hard.
But you should still do not perform multiple tasks simultaneously, because it will make someone kehilngan concentration. Because it's time to make presentations or perform other heavy tasks.
Hours 2-3 pm: The best time to rest
To digest lunch, then the body will draw blood from the brain to the stomach, this condition will make the blood supply or oxygen to the brain is slightly reduced so that makes a person sleepy. For that try to take a break from work.
If you still have to work and fight drowsiness, try walking for a while, meditating or drinking water. This could increase vascular volume and circulation thus increasing blood flow to the brain.
Hours 3 pm to 6 pm: The best time for collaboration
"At the present time the brain will feel very tired," said Paul Nussbaum, PhD, a clinical neuropsychologist. Because it could not hurt to do a collaboration with co-workers or doing different activities. Although the brain is not as sharp as ever, but someone will feel more relaxed and the pressure of his body were also lower.
6 pm to 8 pm: The best time to perform personal tasks
Between these hours, researchers found that the brain has been entered in the 'maintenance', ie when melatonin production is still at a low level.
Nothing wrong to walk alone or with friends, making dinner or enjoy quality time with family members.
Hours 8-10 nights: The best time to relax
At this time there is a transition from wakefulness to sleep, because the levels of the hormone melatonin will increase rapidly. While the levels of serotonin (a neurotransmitter associated with the spirit) will fade.
Rubin Naiman, PhD specialist sleep problems from the University of Arizona's Center for Integrative Medicine, said about 80 percent of serotonin will be stimulated from sun exposure, so that when the sun sinks in the levels in the body is also reduced.
"At night when the brain is tired, is the best way to make the body become relaxed like watching funny movies, knitting or doing things that can make the body relaxed, or relaxed," says Naiman.
10 pm to the top: The best time to sleep and stop all activities
Today is the time for a night's rest and sleep, light settings would be helpful to let the brain rest. After several hours, the brain will be ready again to start the new activity.
Try to get enough sleep as much as 7-8 hours, so that it can obtain optimal health and energy in the morning.
Source : Click Here
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