среда, 28 сентября 2011 г.

Have Been Long Sleep but Still Sleepy, Probably this is the Reason

If you have been asleep for hours, but I still feel sleepy, you should be aware of the presence of the disease in the body.
Drowsiness is a signal to the rest of the body, usually occur at night or when you feel tired. 

However, under circumstances which make people sleep more, even in times of work. What is the cause? Reported by WebMD, here are some reasons why people feel tired during the day:

1. Anemia
Anemia is often a great drowsiness. The lack of blood causes an iron deficiency, red blood cells need to carry tissues and organs of oxygen is reduced, so that often people feel sleepy. 

2. Hypothyroidism (low thyroid hormone production) 
The thyroid is a small gland at the base of the neck, the metabolic rate and the rate of the fuel in the energy audits. If the gland is slow and metabolic functions are too slow, people may feel tired and lethargic body.

3. Diabetes 
Glucose is the fuel of the energy released by cells in the presence of oxygen. People with type 2 diabetes have high levels of glucose in the blood because the body use glucose for energy. This is why people complained with type 2 diabetes to feel tired and sleepy all the time. 

4. Dehydration 
Fatigue and drowsiness can be a sign of dehydration. Very quickly in the body needs water to fresh and alive. 

5. Depression 
Depression is not just emotional stress, but also contributes to many physical ailments. Fatigue, sleep forever, suffering is a headache, and anorexia is the most common symptoms in people with depression.

6. Insomnia 
Sleep disorders like sleep apnea and insomnia can also lead to constant feelings of tiredness and sleepiness. The sleep is to repair for the proper functioning of the back of the body, the body's own cells and regenerate. 

While people from lack of sleep due to apnea, insomnia suffer from sleep, will be blocked airways and often causes fatigue and drowsiness. 

7. Heart diseases
While it's easy to feel tired and sleepy in the performance of daily activities, make sure your heart is in good condition, still asleep, as he could be an early sign of cardiovascular disease. 

8. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome 
Moe usually only lost when brought to rest. But chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), the fatigue do not disappear so quickly and are generally caused by lethargy, drowsiness, irritability, muscle pain and memory loss in some cases.

Source : Click Here

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