1. Learning Music
This is a great way to enhance right-brain learning with a relaxed and easy. According to the University of Toronto study, music lessons can improve the intelligence quotient and school achievement of a child. Even the longer studied, the results are increasingly apparent.
2. Breastfeding
Many scientific studies show that breast milk (breast milk) in addition to providing a wide range of nutrients, may also boost immunity and infant intelligence. A baby who ate milk for nine months significantly more intelligent than a baby who consume only breast milk for a month.
3. Increase Health
The team of researchers from the University of Illinois has proved the relationship between health and learning of children in school. Research from Oppenheimer Funds in fact show that the exercise group not only boost your confidence, build a spirit of togetherness, it can even foster skills to lead. Eighty-one percent of the directress at a very young company, all of them have joined in an organization's activities.
4. Game
Indeed there are many games that can make the players become brutal, eccentric, or lazy thinking. But there are also a number of games that can increase social spirit, creativity and inspiration, there is even able to train children to think wisely and to train the ability to make plans. Research at the University of Rochester also found that children who play games more capable of finding a sense of visual clues in learning.
5 .Refuse Junk Food
6 .Cultivating Curiosity
Experts reveal, when parents encourage children to have their own thoughts, is in fact being to direct their demands on the importance of knowledge. Put great attention to the child's interest, to introduce and teach new skills to them at every opportunity to educate outside of the house, all this is a great way to foster child's yearning for knowledge demands.
7. Reading
8. Breakfast
9. Play Puzzle Game
Besides the things above, when a child is very young must be frequently invited to chat, ask the children remember the vocabulary that is often used in everyday life or have the children memorize, all of this is the moment to help children cultivate good at intelligence quotient.
Source : Click Here
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