пятница, 10 сентября 2010 г.

Single Men: Endangered Species?

On recent conversations with friends I have come to the conclusion single men are either in hiding or extinct. It seems all the single girls I know, can't find any decent single men let alone know where to look.
Let's face it; Internet dating isn't for everyone.

The days of meeting anyone at bars and clubs are over, all those guys are after is booze and sex. Nothing more, nothing less. Anyone thinking they have been approached by a stumbling drunk because the guy wants to date is unfortunately mistaken.

Drunken men are not a good choice when it comes to looking for 'the one'. I have witnessed on many occasions alcohol fueled males shouting 'compliments' at girls on a night out. Telling them 'You're well fit,' or 'Get yer tits out!.' What do they expect to come of this? Do they really believe that the girl is question is going to fall head over heals in love with the guy in the stained white shirt dribbling kebab and stumbling across the pavement?

If a man doesn't have any dutch courage swishing around in his belly then it is unlikely he will approach. Have guys become scared of women? What happened to the brave, courageous and fearless? The rise of the Internet has left us with hermits scared to come out of there shell, hiding behind a profile.

I'm sure I can remember the days when if a guy liked you, he told you. Simple and straight to the point. But now, being in too big a group, daytime situations and lack of beer can all be enough to scare a man off.

Supermarkets, coffee shops, even workplaces all used to be a good hunting ground, but it appears more people would rather talk through an email rather than face to face. How long will it be until the Internet takes over? Facebook is already seeing more people choosing to make arrangements via wall posts than telephone calls, will a time come when talking through the Internet is the only way we communicate?

Believe me guys, there are lots of girls waiting out here in the real world, the question is, where are you?
It's time to shut down your computer's and log on to life.

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