пятница, 17 сентября 2010 г.

Noise down in the cheap seats!

Now I know I've blogged about my cinematic experiences before, but I just can't help but rant about the bargain cinema night we all know and [used to] love: Orange Wednesday.

For anyone that doesn't know what Orange Wednesdays are, please, allow me to explain...
Mobile phone network provider Orange offers an incentive to all of it's customers on a Wednesday where by simply texting FILM to 241 you are rewarded with a unique code which entitles the bearer to 2 cinema tickets for the price of 1. Bloody bargain I hear you cry.

However, all good things have their down sides, and Orange Wednesdays is no exception. The bad part about them? Chavs.

Blinged up, tracksuit wearing, foul mouthed chavs are everywhere. Orange Wednesdays does to chavs as the Pied Piper does to rats. Now while I understand that these Wednesdays are a fairly good deal, I have still paid my £3.80p to watch the film in question, and I expect that £3.80p to continue to bring me the service I would normally expect.

That is most definitely out of the picture tonight.

In they come [the chavs] taking their seats, throwing around their popcorn, talking at a volume that is completely unnecessary [i really don't want to know about the fight last weekend] and just generally being annoying. You would think/hope that this behaviour would settle down once the film begins, but these people just don't 'give a fuck.'

In my most recent trip, a chav and chavette even moved seats mid-way through the film. That's right, half way through the movie they decided that they weren't quite happy with their designated seats and decided to up and leave, moving right next to me. Now not only was I constantly distracted by the chatting and fidgeting going on around me, but I was also faced with two people whispering/giggling/snogging/play fighting throughout the whole remainder of the film.

Why do people bother to come to the cinema if they aren't even watching the film?! The more I sat there in the darkened room the more I became aware that I had completely stopped paying attention to the movie too, instead I was more tuned in to the actions of the chav, I'd paid to see a film dammit, Not a pubescent couple talking in a language not even the most talented translator could understand. 

I'm sorry to moan and resemble that of a 60 year old pensioner whinging about the youth of today, but I just have to get it off my chest! I'm sure that when I was their age I did not go around shouting my mouth off as they do now, ruining things for other people and just generally being a nuisance.

Word of warning to anyone planning a mid-week movie. Avoid Wednesdays!

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