четверг, 15 сентября 2011 г.

5 How Men Love Prove To His Girlfriend

Today there are still many women who want to hear the confessions of the men that she loves you.
In fact, not all men happy or easy to said the magic words. For them, what matters is the act of doing it for you.

Kristin Booker, lifestyle writer in New York City who is also founder and editor Fashion Style Beauty blog, saying that you may need to forget the sentence recognition that love. Although the sentence was not saying, does not mean he does not think about it. Most likely the men phrase it another way. For instance, "Well, my wife made the most delicious brownies!"

In addition, continued Kristin, he uses subtle signs during intercourse with the woman he loved to show and prove his affection.

1.He remembers little things about you
To prove his great love men sometimes do not give something big. For example, he remembers what clothes you wear when you first date with her. He knows what most makes you upset, or who your favorite singer as a teenager. These things are a sign that he is making a real investment in her mind about something important to you. By itself, it is also important to him.

2.It performs action "small" to you
This action will not normally be a man, like to buy cookies for you because of her girlfriends also bought the same snack, buy some goods in the corresponding mini from your shopping list, or rubbing your stomach when you complain of stomach cramps due to menstruation. Most men rarely show such romantic behaviors, especially if your relationship with longstanding. However, here is proof that you are always in the mind.

3.He attends your important moments
You ask her to accompany him to eat with your family (even though he was exhausted), or request a time for your cousin marriage, while at the same time there is a match ball waiting for. His willingness to accompany you indicates that you are more important than everything. Moreover, he will not do things like this to just anyone. Only someone who truly cared about, that is you.

4.He was willing to sacrifice their feelings or interests
Remember when he was patiently waiting on you who are busy shopping, and he bored? Or when he kept a collection of his Star Wars doll in the box because you do not like it? Whatever he does, from reducing the schedule to play tennis, to limit the frequency of smoking, a sign that he cares. So, do not protest when he asks you do not often buy knick-knacks "not important" who then scattered in your room. Not just right, if only he had to change his habits?

5.He always kept his promise
The most annoying men to women is always late when dating, cancel appointments at the last moment, forgot to call, lost your phone number, and so forth. If you do care, he would keep what he says. At least, if he could not keep their promises because they still had no business at such office, he will try to make it up later. If you promise to pick up, he had no objection to their destination faster than you, because he does not want you confused by the roadside waiting for you.

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