In a study of acupuncture health, held one of the experts acupuncture. This is evidenced in terms of health.
Drinking water arrives by way of drinking while sitting will be screened by sfringer.
Sfringer maskuler is a structure (muscle) which can be opened (so that urine can pass) and close. Any water we drink will be provided at stations located in the kidney filtration.
Well if we drank standing, without water we drink is filtered again.
Directly to the bladder. When it went straight to the bladder, then there is precipitation in the ureter channel.
Because many of these wastes are left in the ureter. This is what can
kidney crystals cause the disease.
One of kidney disease is dangerous. Difficult urination is the cause.
The fix:
1. Make it a habit to drink sitting.
2. Drink plenty of water but not excessive and do not rush
Source : Click Here
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