понедельник, 3 октября 2011 г.

8 Reasons Why People Need Massage

Massage has become the current needs of the body feels tired or sore. But there are reasons why people need a massage.
So massage is not just a hobby or habit.

Getting a massage is appropriate and done by people who really know how to massage will provide many benefits, especially for casual relaxation and stress relief.

Massage is done with traditional, modern or a mixture of both, and some are developed for therapeutic massage.

As quoted from Healthmad and Buzzle, there are some things that make each person needs a massage, namely:

1. Massage can significantly affect the peripheral nervous system, increasing stimulation and conduction of nerve impulses, weakening and stopping the pain by accelerating the process of regeneration (recovery) of nerve injury, and prevent the disruption of blood vessels in terms of communication and supply.

2. Massage affects the body's tissues to expand capillaries and capillary reserve. This will increase blood flow to tissues and organs, boost the oxidation reduction process, facilitate and contribute to the redistribution of cardiac blood in the body. As well as provide a slight increase in the number of platelets, leukocytes, erythrocytes and hemoglobin without disturbing the acid-base balance.

3. Massage accelerates the flow of lymph tissue that enhances nutrition, reduce stasis in the joints and organs and other tissues.

4. Massage has a variety of physiological effects on the skin and its functions, such as cleaning the channels of sweat, sebaceous glands, improve the function of secretion, excretion and respiration of the skin. After the massage the skin becomes more supple seta increase its influence on the temperature (decreased sensitivity to cold temperatures).

5. Massage can make the muscles to be flexible, increasing the contractile function of accelerating the release of metabolites (products of metabolism). It depends on how strong and quick massage performed.

6. Massage helps remove the fluid contained in the muscles and restore normal circumstances.

7. Massage helps improve circulation and lower blood pressure. Because circulation is improved, then in turn the organs in the body will function and work better.

8. Massage can help to overcome the superficial muscle pain and improve posture is bad, this is because massage can work to manipulate the muscles and joints.

One does not need too much to get a massage. Therapeutic and relaxing effects obtained from a very good massage for the body, so everyone needs to get a good massage.

Source : Click Here

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