суббота, 23 июля 2011 г.

Perspective Chair Optical Illusion

perspective chair optical illusion
About the illusion, well it was submitted by Christian Hendrich, who took some photos of the 1997 exhibition called Documenta X, and decided to share them with us. The installment was set in Museum of Modern Art in Germany, and the original author behind it is Matthew Ngui. When you see the chair from room’s entrance, it seems at first there is nothing wrong with it. A desire may come to you, to sit and relax for a minute. But when you approach it, or move around the room, true nature of the chair reveals itself. I recall we had something very similar before. Marvell Superhero is one of the examples, but I think that Gillian Brown’s Constructed Photographs still deserve the golden medal.

Source: Click Here

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