четверг, 9 июня 2011 г.


The last six months have brought with them some changes to my life. I split up with my boyfriend of six years, moved in with one of my boy-mates and was fortunate enough to make some lovely new friends along the way.

During this time I have surrounded myself with the familiar faces of people I love. Sure, I may have been out partying a little more than I should do, but I don't regret the millions of Jägerbombs and litres of wine that I poured down my gullet. Without those moments of madness I wouldn't be the person I am today, not that I have changed as a person, but mentally, (despite the few thousand braincells lost through drinking) I feel a certain degree of acceptance. I know that as easy as it is to stay in a moment of sadness and pain, I need to get back on the horse and live my life.

Don't get me wrong, it is difficult and of course there are days when I sit and think to myself about all the crap that has happened, and it is in these moments that it becomes so easy to sink into that dark dreary land of depression and lose all sight of the positives in life. Luckily for me, I have some brilliant mates who have that ability to pick me up out of that hole and place me firmly back into reality.

The past is a past for a reason, everyone at some point will go through difficult times and face obstacles that they dreaded the most, but for every moment that passes, there is a future, a chance to make things right, an opportunity to live life with no regrets.

So, the next time you are in that difficult place, feeling lost and as if all hope has vanished, put the past behind you, focus on the future and what life has yet to bring.

After all, Life goes on.

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