пятница, 5 ноября 2010 г.

Boy Racers...

When I say the words 'Boy Racer' I would put money on it that every single one of you reading this blog feels a little bit of hatred bubble up inside.

Boy racers are nothing more than suped up chavs behind a wheel. These boys feel the need to customise their vehicles with 18in alloy wheels, spoilers, noisy exhausts, and in some extreme cases, graphics. Why do they do this? Because they think it looks 'sick'. The reason they are called boy racers? They are just that; boys. After all, its not man racers is it?

Just yesterday I was happily walking down the road minding my own business when a red fiesta pulled up beside me. Being dark and all, I didn't want to acknowledge this presence and stole a quick glance from the corner of my eye. I saw 3 figures emerge from the car and make their way down towards a housing estate.
The red car waited for a moment, presumably waving off it's abandoned passengers and then, to my surprise, revved to the max and wheel spun past me, clocking up about 50mph by the time it reached the end of the road.

Now was I amazed or impressed by this maneuver? The answer to that is No. The only thought that went through my head was quite simply, 'prick'.
Rather than be astonished by the speedy getaway of a red ford fiesta, I was instead perplexed at this behaviour. Did this guy seriously think that passers by would find this style of driving attractive? And more importantly, what was the rush? Perhaps he was late for a dental appointment, or rushing to pick his Mum up from work. Either way, pushing the pedal to the metal down a quiet residential road was hardly necessary. Doesn't the boy realise there are cats living in the area?!

As much as it saddens me to say, this is not my first encounter with a boy racer. They seem to be breeding, infecting our roads and motorways, pumping out their R&B crap whilst competing whose exhaust is biggest. Personally, I don't understand the hype, why spend all that extra cash trying to make a crap car look special? Surely it makes more sense to save that money and buy a decent car to start with?

But perhaps that's why these boys feel the need to do it. Comparing size and performance is in a guys nature, after all, they do say that guys with a sizing complex hide behind fancy motors...

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