суббота, 30 июля 2011 г.

Indian Boy With 34 Fingers And Toes!

Recently UK Daily News reported that a 1-year-old Indian boy born with 34 fingers.
Guinness World Records spokesman said Ake Saudi. Sha Sena have seven fingers each hand and 10 toes each foot. Ake Saudi ‧ Sha Sena Come from Uttar Pradesh, he accepted a series of extra toes and fingers amputated surgery. He was born without a thumb, so the doctors removed extra fingers on his hand and helped him reconstructed a thumb.

Ake is suffering from an typical genetic disease which the symptom usually happens with extra toes or finger grow beside little fingers.

An Lita said, a friends online found a Chinese children born with 31 fingers and toes, "he said that my child has 34 fingers and toes, broke the world record, I do not believe, really hard to believe I The child broke the world record!

The previous record by China maintained by a 6-year-old boy, he has 15 fingers and 16 toes. In March last year the boy in a hospital in Shenyang, Liaoning Province, had a 6.5 hours of surgery to remove the extra fingers and toes, and now he has 10 fingers and 10 toes like everyone has.

Source: Click Here

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