пятница, 29 июля 2011 г.

101 Reasons Your Blog is making Zero Dollars

Ever wonder why you aren’t generating any income from your blog?  Please only read this list if you are ready for the harsh truths:
  1. You’re blogging without a purpose
  2. You think your posts will go viral & you will run into fame & fortune
  3. You’re not expanding your e-mail list
  4. You’re not guest posting
  5. This is your very first blog
  6. You think there is a “secret” to making money through your blog
  7. You think the big bloggers are successful because they started their blogs circa 2003
  8. You think ads are the way to make money on your blog
  9. You have no business plan
  10. You don’t get the importance of an e-mail list
  11. You refuse to model the actions of successful bloggers
  12. You think okay content will get you there
  13. You think “good” content will grow your readership
  14. You think growing your blog is all about commenting on other blogs
  15. You are terrified to submit a guest post here or any other “big blog”
  16. You can’t imagine creating your own products
  17. Selling affiliate products through your blog or e-mail list sounds “dirty”
  18. You think un-targeted traffic will end in affiliate sales
  19. You won’t tell your friends or family about your blog
  20. You aren’t specific about anything
  21. You write posts the night before you publish
  22. You spend less than an hour writing a post
  23. You don’t think your posts need any editing; it’s the work of God!
  24. You think networking is for the weak
  25. You won’t participate in mastermind groups
  26. You don’t like to spend money on products that can help you greatly
  27. You think you know a lot about making money online
  28. You read too much about making money online
  29. You don’t implement and test any new ideas consistently
  30. You are distracted by Twitter & Facebook
  31. You re-tweet your own content all day long
  32. You’re using a generic theme
  33. You think spending money on branding your site isn’t “needed”
  34. You know one genius guest post at a big blog will make you into an internet superstar
  35. You keep buying the next ‘hot’ IM product, month after month
  36. You’re too afraid to believe in yourself
  37. You’re afraid of taking the leap, quitting your job and focusing on your blog & business full-time
  38. You’re too lazy to use search engine optimization to your advantage
  39. You blog when you want
  40. You can’t be bothered to “push yourself”
  41. You’re afraid to have a voice
  42. You don’t believe in your vision
  43. Your blog is a half-baked part-time effort
  44. You think viral content happens by luck
  45. The idea of creating a free ebook or report puts you to sleep
  46. You hate writing
  47. You think making money through your blog is easy
  48. You think making money through your blog will come when it’s time
  49. The idea of creating three mini-reports in one month makes you sob
  50. You think Darren is an overnight success
  51. You don’t have a unique selling proposition defined
  52. You don’t have any specific goals in mind
  53. You are unsure about what you have to offer through blogging
  54. You’re uncomfortable at the thought of leading others
  55. You think average will get you by
  56. You get to your blog in your “spare time”
  57. You only write for yourself, not your audience
  58. You think running a blog is not hard work
  59. Watching an episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer or Supernatural always takes precedence over blogging
  60. You compare your progress to other big bloggers in your niche
  61. You think that the early 2000s was the “age” of internet income
  62. Creating services sounds like actual work…
  63. You’re in it just for the money
  64. You think that writers have no real skill
  65. You think that getting 45 tweets means your content has gone viral
  66. You don’t need pillar articles
  67. Who the hell needs to track stats through Google Analytics?
  68. You’re cheap
  69. You don’t know how to get back up after failing
  70. You got rejected from a guest post and think you suck
  71. You see much bigger competition and have given up in your mind
  72. You dread networking
  73. You like to insert affiliate links into every thing
  74. The big boys (& girls!) intimidate you
  75. You don’t understand that everyone starts with nothing
  76. You are not willing to put in hours and hours of work
  77. You have no confidence
  78. You think successful blogging is all about publishing three posts a week
  79. You won’t consult with someone who is successfully doing what you want to do
  80. You think the A-Lister bloggers belong to a club
  81. You’re not sure why you deserve other people’s money online
  82. You give up when you’re tired
  83. You’re too comfortable with the paycheck you’re earning from your 9-5
  84. You think Skype chatting with other bloggers is “work”
  85. You don’t know what Aweber is
  86. You could care less about split testing
  87. Your blog has no focus
  88. You want it all handed to you
  89. You don’t have the skill to revise your ideas
  90. You think mind mapping is useless
  91. You blog from the middle of your living room while watching tv& petting your cat
  92. You think “content is king”
  93. You have trouble investing in yourself
  94. You can’t justify spending money on useful resources
  95. You think outsourcing is all about getting the best for the cheapest
  96. You want to take all but not give much
  97. You don’t have any urgency to build income online
  98. Reading this left felt like a slap in your face
  99. You can’t break down your main goal into actionable steps
  100. You refuse to change what’s not working
  101. You’re thinking too small
The truth hurts and it sucks!  But you have a decision to make this very second: will you treat your blog like a business or keep doing whatever you’re doing?  What will you do today to help yourself make money through your blog?

Source : Click Here

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