среда, 29 июня 2011 г.


I've just been looking through my blog and saw this had remained unpublished... reading back over it I realise just how true it was at the time... (and still is to a certain extent!)

As I pressed the shot glass to my lips I braced myself for the potent spirit that was imminent to pass through them. As the liquid trickled down my throat I felt the warm after burn following its journey into down into my stomach. Looking up at the stars beaming down on me in the night sky I lit a cigarette and inhaled.

I could hear the bustling of traffic from the roads nearby accompanied by the base being carried through the air from the music that was playing inside.

I had already had more than enough to drink, yet I had no desire to stop just yet...

It has been some time since a weekend has passed without me ending up completely wrecked. These past few months I have revisited my youth and become a reborn party animal, whats more, I like it.

Although my excessive partying my be taking a toll on not only my bank balance but also my liver, I am just too contempt to call it a day and 'grow up.' Partying with my friends is something that makes the working week worthwhile, and as soon as Sunday rolls around I am already thinking ahead to the next weekend.

One of the things that makes my partying so enjoyable is the people I do so with. Every weekend provides us with a new weekend anthem and a whole new load of things to laugh at.

Working all the time
Work is such a bind
Got some money to spend
Living for the weekend
When it gets too much
I live for the rush
Got some money to spend
Living for the weekend

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