вторник, 17 августа 2010 г.

Why am I here?

Well, I've finally entered the world of blogging! I guess everyone has to start somewhere, and what better place to start sharing my views and opinions on the world than the only place that can be accessed by the whole wide world...

I want nothing more in life than to someday work in a job that I love doing, a job that I wake up to in the morning's feeling happy to go to. A job that involves me writing all day, every day, for a glossy magazine.

It seems that these days, a job in journalism is something that so many people would love to do, but so little people get to do. There are of course the lucky ones, who find somewhere, perhaps through a work placement or a friend of a friend and are fortunate enough to get the job of their dreams. Then, there's the rest of us, we study, we work, we do whatever we can, and still we wait in hope that one day, that dream job will be ours.

When I was younger, I didn't have a clue what I wanted to do or what I wanted to be, I knew the dream of being a fairy princess was a little unrealistic, but did know that I loved reading and writing. It has always been a passion of mine, but I still didn't work out exactly what I wanted to be until a few years ago. One thing's for sure; when you know, you know.

This little place of the world wide web is my place, and here you will get an insight into the world of me; what I love, what I hate, and whatever else I come across along the way!

So that's the reason why I'm here, putting another step forward to reaching my dreams and allowing the world take a peak inside my life.

Maybe one day, I'll be lucky enough to air my views on paper for milions to read, but until then I'll settle with the little land of blogging!

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